Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top tech gadgets 2011 - what are we buying next?

US-based online gadget store http://www.ankaka.com/ has produced its list of the top 10 gadget trends for next year. For the full article, explaining every one of the trends, go to: http://www.insideretailing.com.au/Latest/tabid/53/ID/9094/The-top-gadgets-in-2011.aspx

1: Blu-ray
2: HD gadgets will grow in popularity.
3: 3D television will not gain as much traction as their developers would like
4: Projectors (home)
5: Google Android
6: Tablet Computers will gain in popularity
7: Solid State Drives will increase in prominence
8: Energy efficient gadgets
9: Apps!
10: Streaming multimedia and interconnected devices

I´m waiting for a laptop/tablet you can use out doors, when the sun is shining and you wish to work on the beach (sand protection plz)! I want battery charging centrals where you can have a coffee and charge while out on town. I also want pretty TV´s with a girlie look. What else...? A phone that stops you from ringing certain numbers after drinking? Or what if I could pay my coffee with my phone, and even make the order in the restaurant? What do you wish for?

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