Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Aussies are well educated but stuck in old ways

BRW writes this week that the national education level has risen, with the number of people with higher education qualifications hitting 63% by 2009, from 49% in 1999, ABS figures show.

This is great, considering that the same magazine reports that Australia has much lower workforce producticity than other countries, and it´s getting worse. A representant for OECD analysed the situation "Education, infrastructure and innovation are the weak links in the economy" and "Part of the problem is that Australia has been a high-growth economy and has done well through the financial crisis, which has led to a complacent attitude towards longer-term challenges."

As coming from overseas, getting into the Australian market, I can see why this is. I sense a fear of new perspective and experiences. A lot of people are desperately protecting their positions, with an arrogant attitude, not answering emails, not calling back, only valuing Australian experience. It´s all based on fear, and I understand and feel for them. But with only 5% unemployment and lack of innovation, this country is in desperate need on new perspectives, and I wish for boldness and courage. A rise in education is not enough. If a change is not to come, I am sorry but Australia´s future is not looking good.

HR departments could start by buying my book "The Joy Gym" for their staff, to open for creativity and a successful attitude... Order from me: info@carolindahlman.com

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